I have been taking photos for a while now, I got my first camera for my 21st birthday which feels like a long time ago. I began by taking landscapes then when the kids arrived they were what I generally photographed but they’re older now and I’ve got a bit more time on my hands. My passion for this art form has really accelerated during the last couple of years when I’ve really tried to lift my game. I am a member of two camera clubs, the other is Chorley PS who are one of the top clubs in the world.
I have attained the CPAGB accreditation which equates to being a ‘good club standard photographer’ and the DPAGB which is ‘good exhibition level photographer’, with the PAGB (Photographic Alliance of Great Britain). I have since gained my EPAGB (Excellence) too, one of the first six to do so. I have simultaneously managed to work my way to BPE5* in the British Photographic Exhibitions circuit which has been both interesting and challenging.
My two favourite subjects, photographically, are Wildlife and People and between them they fill a fair chunk of my portfolio. I am also a keen Sports and Dance photographer. I am a fairly competent user of Adobe Photoshop to enhance or even create images but I strongly believe that PS should be used to make a great photograph better and not to just salvage a poor image – get it right in camera!
My website can be found here >>> www.stproc.co.uk